September 27, 2010

Melody Thornton Says She Deserves Better, Talks New Album and PCD Split:

Former Pussycat Dolls band member Melody Thornton is ready for her solo break after splitting from the group. Earlier this month, the singer dropped the song, “Love Gun,” which gave fans a taste of what she has in store. Considered to be the best singer in PCD by many, Thornton contributed several prominent vocals to many tracks, mostly in the form of background and chorus lines, leading many to assume this was one of the main reason she began having conflicts with lead singer Nicole Scherzinger.

“Well, remember when Whitney and Mariah did that song together? It’s like, clearly they did a song together, so it’s not all that damn bad,” Thornton tells Vibe about her issue with Scherzinger. “As long as we respect each other, it’s okay. She does what she does, and I do what I do, and that’s that. You’re either a forgiving person and you can move on or you can hold on to those things. I’m not one of those people. I’m not gonna be a victim to what happened. It’s over. Bye. Keep it pushing.”

In today’s day and age groups rarely last three albums and as far as her split from PCD, Thornton says, “Maybe a divorce is what you can attribute that split to. We were definitely tired and worked a lot. I’m seeing these people more than I see my family. I would be hurt if anything happened to any one of the girls. Doesn’t matter what they said or did ever. You can love someone and let ‘em go. It was just time to move on. As much as I care for all of the girls, I’m going to do what’s best for Melody from this point forward. I need to do what I want to do.”

Thornton still has a lot of work to do though. Previously said to be with Interscope, the 26-year-old is currently searching for a distribution that’s fully worth it.

“Yeah, I’m not at Interscope. I haven’t taken what’s been offered because I feel I deserve better,” she says. “I believe in putting your best foot forward and swinging for the fence, and I’m going to have the kind of enthusiastic CEO behind me who’s like, ‘Yeah! That’s what it is!’ And I’m not afraid to wait for that. I am funding and recording on my own. And I love Interscope, by the way. They’re one of the best. [Jimmy Iovine] knows what he’s doing. If he loves you, you got it. It’s like why would I marry someone just because they have money? I also need to be loved. I need to be cherished.”

But with the obstacles ahead, Thornton seems to be enjoying the fact that she is in control of her own destiny.

“For me, it’s important for people to know that I do write. I will be writing the majority of what I am singing because it’s important to me for an artist to actually be talking about something that came from them as opposed to being manufactured in that way,” she says. “It’s gonna be fun, but at the same time, there’s an underlying message for people. Like I said, it’s important for the underdog to prevail at some point and reinforce faith in people. Music should move you. It shouldn’t just be fun. It’s not all about fun. Life is about ups and downs, so that’s what my music will have.”

Check out more of Melody’s interview on

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