August 22, 2010

Mapenzi Ya Mbali: Will It Work For You?

Can time and distance break up a relationship? We are living in a time where telecommuting and the need to travel out-of-state for work are vital.
What happens when you are physically separated from your loved one for an extended period, will emailing, texting and Skype conferences be enough to keep the love alive?

Sometimes in life we have to make decisions without knowing the long-term effects of our actions. You may have to move for work to pursue your dream career or to be closer to your family. Whatever the reason, you have to leave your loved one behind if they are unable to move with you.

Is the relationship over? Not necessarily, if you don’t want the relationship to end just yet. There are many ways to stay connected in today’s times. You can call, text, email, tweet, instant message, chat online, Skype and the occasional visits when time permits it. You must trust the person you are with, otherwise the relationship will fall apart near or far from each other. Other key components to staying together with distance in between you and your loved one is to have strong communication and be honest about your feelings and what’s going on in your life. Talking about the simplest things, like what you had for lunch or what outfit you wore that day becomes important when you can’t see the person on a regular basis. Don’t be afraid to tell them you miss them and can’t wait to see them, it will make their day and who knows they might take a mini getaway to go see you.

How do you think famous people stay together despite having to be away for long periods? Rihanna and Matt Kemp couldn’t be together while she was touring in London. She was quoted in London’s the Daily Mirror newspaper saying:

"I'm really happy right now. It's an amazing city. I love it. It would have been so cool if he was here. I was hoping he would be able to come to London but he's working. And I'm touring and shooting videos for my next single so it's going to be seven weeks before I see him again…We have to make do with Skype and phone, but I miss him. And this is the most romantic town. I can't wait to see him again.”

Look at the positive side of being in a long distance relationship, if this fits your current situation. You get to focus more on you while the person is away, by getting your daily workout, watching your favorite TV shows, and having time with your friends without sacrificing the time you would spend with your loved one if they weren’t away. You anxiously and excitedly anticipate the next time you will see each other. Distance makes the heart grow fonder, if you are still together it must be real and when you finally reunite for good, you will realize the time apart was nothing compared to the time you will spend together from that moment on. An added bonus is you get to travel to see each other; you can even pick a new meeting place each time, the sandy beaches in the islands or a cozy cabin in Aspen.
If you want to take the easy way out, yes you can give up and call it quits. Or you can begin to getting used to seeing higher phone bills, more travel, and constant texting. If there is a will, there’s definitely many ways, especially when it comes to love.

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